Richard Mullender

Listen. Like Your Life Depends On It

A Talk by Richard Mullender (Former Scotland Yard Hostage Negotiator, The Listening Institute)

About this Talk

The key to supercharging your power to influence is knowing how to listen at an elite level. The listening skills Richard teaches allow you to turn the information someone unknowingly reveals (even on a cold call) into intelligence.

This intelligence is so revealing that within a very short time, you can develop a profound understanding of the other person and how they see the world.

Which gives you a unique power to influence them - by providing for them a solution that appeals to their deeply held values and beliefs, rather than your own.

Having built his career on developing elite-level listening skills, Richard will surprise, entertain and challenge in equal measure. He teaches communication but not as you know it. You’ll acquire and embed some elite level listening skills to engage with your clients at a different level.

About The Speakers

Richard Mullender

Richard Mullender

Former Scotland Yard Hostage Negotiator, The Listening Institute

Richard is a former London detective and Scotland Yard Hostage Negotiator. He founded The Listening Institute teaching business leaders to listen, understand and influence; giving them a distinct business advantage.